Can’t download software

I’m getting message ‘error , wrong information “ after I enter serial numbers of device to download slingshot


Check if you don’t have to miss a space or a 0.

See you

Make sure to enter the COMPLETE serial numbers (without any spaces), so you also need to type the prefixes and not just the 6 digits as one might think:

T1-1/ is for the yellow sensor.
It worked for me yesterday.

Hello Peter, we received your help request for the US team and answered them.
I tried to download Slingshot with your serial numbers and it worked, the issue is related only to the fact that yours is one of the first 100 units, and the serial numbers had a different format (there is no slash “/” in the serial). So, if you leave a space instead of a slash it works, like this:

G1-U 0000XX
T1-1 0000XX
T1-2 0000XX

Please keep us updated,