FR - Open Source Slingshot and Goliath Firmware

I feel the Goliath is an excellent hardware product that’s currently held back by software.

I would like to see Slingshot opened for public development to speed development and improve user experiences.

I would also like to see the firmware for the Goliath and Towers open sourced as well, with the same goals of improving reliability and increasing innovation.

It would be a wonderful gesture to the community to have this available. It also provides some security to people who purchase the platform to know the software will still be available in the years to come, even if something happens to the company.

I believe it would also push adoption of the hardware forward if more applications could interface with the Goliath directly or indirectly.


Hi Troy,
I asked the same question in the kickstarter pages a few times already, although I have idle hope about it.
If all information is correct, the software is a 1 man job, which is clearly understaffed.
It would be unfair to blame 1 person for a project that needs a team.

I asked (too many times) for a transparent planning, an agile style development, but it’s no use, I’m sent walking with a smile.

So I ask again: please involve us early adopters, make this a community project, it will serve Goliath well in the long run.


I love the “enthusiasm” this topic has received …
Any news of the linux version by the way ?

Hi Troy, thanks for your post,
We have made this request of yours to the technical department, and they tell us that it is not feasible at the moment because there are still things we are working on to complete the software and firmware, but we do not rule out that it will be possible in the future.

Hi Pelgrim, thanks for your reply
At the moment we are still working on the MAC version, we hope to be able to provide you with updates on this as soon as possible.

Hi Lucia,
you last reply was aug '22, we’re now nov '23.
I quote you:
“as soon as possible”

I’m now motivated to start tearing my machine apart to see how it works.

No goals, but I will reiterate what I said over a year ago - please dump this all on GitHub, open it up, let us help. :slight_smile: