Goliath out of bounds

Not sure how this happened but I started my dog hole project on my 4x8 plywood work station and as you can see, he almost went off the edge. After panel detection was completed, I received no warnings needing to use panel extensions so I started the job and as it moved into place it moved off the panel. Now I know work should be done on the floor, but why didn’t Goliath stop as it neared the edge? I am running the most recent software 1.9.3. Also since this has happened I am now getting failed to upload gcode and the abort button does not work.

Good morning Stupper, thank you for your post.
We would like to have a look at your log and project files,
To extract them, just follow the instructions below:

files have been sent. please let me know if I can provide any more detail.

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and should I wait to hear back from you before updating to latest firmware?

Good morning stupper, first of all thank you very much for the file, we are analysing them and will give you feedback as soon as possible. As for the firmware, you can safely proceed with the update.

Hi stupper, we have reviewed the files you kindly forwarded to us.
Our suspicion is that Goliath exited the panel while making a rotation to switch from one track to another, at which point the wheel went over the edge. We are aware of this calculation error and are working to resolve it, one solution could be to position Goliath with the cutter towards the bottom of the panel.

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Will give that a try. BTW, I performed the firmware update and was successful in cutting a basic circle. Now with more confidence, I will give the wasteboard doghole project another go. My plan is to also attach bumpers all around just to be safe.


Hi Stupper, perfect, let us know how it goes, we remain at your complete disposal.

I have sent a couple of requests to better understand how the peripheral wasteboard should be used for Goliath. I noticed, in this particular entry there was no allowance for a waste board around the perimeter of the cut project.

Would this be normal since I have many projects showing a wasteboard on the perimeter of other’s cut projects?

My thought was to use a standard wasteboard for a cutting platform for my projects at waist height.

Do you have any general rules for determining the surrounding boundary for a 4’ x 8’ plywood sheet for the extended boundary area around the plywood edge for cutting objects out of the 4" x 8" sheet?


Goliath can be considered as a moving circle with a diameter of 400 mm.

For the time being, the safest option is to add this 400 mm to all 4 edges of the sheets you intend to cut.
(“Normally”, Goliath doesn’t cross the line between the two towers but you never know…).

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