Order Not Confirmed

Hi, I’m writing here because I can’t get a response from any other method. I ordered a Goliath CNC on April 28, 2023, and my order still says “Payment Pending” on the website, but the transaction cleared my bank on May 1. It’s order #7045. I have not received any confirmation email to verify the order has been placed, any shipping info, etc. Multiple calls/voicemails to the customer service line and emails have gone unanswered. Has anyone else experienced this, and can someone steer me toward a solution?
Thank you.

I had the same problem when I called the United States contractor for this item they switched it instantly to processing. I ordered mine March 19th 2023 and as of today they still say they’re waiting on parts before they can ship. I am getting close to filing a scam claim with my bank credit card and contacting Goliath CNC and telling them to cancel my order this is absolutely ridiculous.

here are the emails for the US contractor and the main office for Goliath

I ended up tweeting the Goliath account on Twitter and got a response! Thank you, Lorenzo! They confirmed my order was correctly processed, just displaying wrong on the website. Still awaiting a shipping update, though.
I expected 4-6 weeks for shipping when I ordered, but based on your experience it sounds like it’s going to be considerably longer than that.
Hope they can get their products moving sooner than later…

Hi! Same problem, but after blowing up every possible email I could find and calling them nonstop, I finally received the Goliath. I purchased it on March 7th. Finally received it May 14th. I was at the point of thinking I had been scammed as well. I called several times every day and emailed numerous times to each email I could find. Emails would get ignored, calls unanswered or not returned. Andrea would make a million promises and did not keep them. I finally received an email from Lorenzo, and it seems like he finally put the pressure needed on whoever it was that could process and ship out my order. It was an absolute nightmare dealing with them. The lack of communication has been nonexistent. If they could simply explain the situation as it’s happening, they could avoid creating such a mess and doubt in their company.

I am lucky there, I bitched but they were nice and kept me updo date on delays. First used my Saturday after getting ser# cirrectbi their system and turningboff pc matic.

No I can not get to cut a pattern. watched every video read all the pages started over 7 times. No luck…

Wife uses 2 other cnc printer but she cannot figure it out. day 1 of a 3 day weekend shot getting mad mader, totally out of my mind.

Did you end up getting your order. I ordered Sept 1st 2023 and haven’t heard from them. I only ever got the confirmation email of my order and the website states my order is processing.

I did finally receive my Goliath on October 12.
It was 5 months and 2 weeks after I ordered it, so you’ll have to be patient.
We haven’t started setting it up yet.

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