Pocketing a sign to make letters stand out


I know this is a loaded and likely complex question, but how does one go about setting up an SVG so that you can pocket out everything around text so that it will stand up and off the board vs cutting in the letters (subtractive)?

I can’t seem to find a way to select everything between the outside of the letters and the border rectangle so it can be set as a fill operation.

Thanks in advance!


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Hi @genecent
I tried but failed. I made a name sign in inkscape svg file and make outline- then I traced the letters as a second layer and opened in slingshot- import was of at first but the pocket cut was not done only out line done see the pic.

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I was able to import but mine wouldn’t do a complete fill/pocket around the entire letter area. Maybe because it determined that it could fall into the pocket, however if it cut from right to left it wouldn’t fall in, however I suspect the pathing algorithm(s) just aren’t up to that level yet. :frowning:


Hi William, thanks for your post.

Technically Goliath carves out pockets or drills large holes after it has cut all the profiles and carves out pockets beginning from one corner on the top and then moves backwards to avoid falling into what it has carved.
So we’d like to go into more detail about the issue you are experiencing, could you please send us your svg file to support@springa.tech?


I manged to cut the pocket background and letters stand out . A little cumbersome I cut the sign out in inkscape and in the layers copied the curves with bezier tool and this I cut as pocket.

It looked good after slight sanfing and I used a v-bit to go over on the letters as inside cut just 0.5mm, may be I shiuld have gone 1mm deep. Not bad for first attempt.

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Awesome so there is hope! Let me see if I can replicate what you did here. I am not an inkscape master so I will give it my best. Thanks for your time on this. I haven’t yet sent my files to Springa because I changed them so many times in playing around that I have to recreate the necessary fails to send them. :slight_smile:


I think I did the same early on but couldn’t get it to cooperate with the top half of the letters. I will try t reproduce and attach photos. I should have taken screenshots when I was working on it.

Here is the sign with the inside area as an inside cut (which should be a fill/pocket):

Then if I change it to Fill, it overrides everything:

I was able to get it to halfway work and once I get back to that state, I will post the screenshot. I took a while to figure out how to get the individual items in the SVG to import in the order I wanted. :slight_smile:


I took a simple script and taken an outline traced and this I imported to slingshot and cut as a pocket for the out side art. Layer 2 in inkscape. The pocket depth will determine how proud the letters to be I just used 1mm for speed( it is a slow process)

Hope it is useful.

I did not cut the layer 1 .
I made an inside cut afterwards with a 60degree v-bit. May do some more during this w/e.

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I wonder if its related to having the text open as a single path at the bottom whereas mine is centered in the pocket.


When you use pocket it will pocket inside. You need an out side trace (single compartment or multiple ) and cut them as pocket.
You can tidy up as a second cut on the line or inside or out side to accentuate the cut.

What font did you sellect?