Sensor died how can I save job?

grey sensor died middle of cut, had to manually shut off goliath because bit was still going, i have recharged sensor… can I save project?

Today my 2nd tower sensor did not work and when I checked the charge led -no light even when connected to usb charger.
After a while did nor register any charge- but when connected to computer the led turned on, then I realised the usb charger died.
With the new charger slingshot showed error message as 10% power- then 20% the led on the goliath turned red then yellow- finally i could cut the wood.

I wish the charging led if placed on the top of the tower sensor it would be more obvious and visible.

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Goliath needs electricity to be operational, towers needs to be nearby.
I don’t get the advantage of the battery in the tower, beside it are two cables les

would it be harmfull to the batteries or other components of the towers if you leave the USB cable connected to for a long time, so the towers are always fully charged ?

If not, a integrated power supply - usb charger with ON-OFF switch, mounted in the foot of the tripod could be a nice solution

Goliath_220 USB power supply


Hi, at the moment it is not possible to save the progress made in the project processing. That is why we are developing a feature that allows you to select paths as already cut. This way, if you need to restart Slingshot, you can exclude the already processed paths and start immediately with the ones still to be worked. :slight_smile:


Hi Lucia,
any news about the update?

There is a way
Obviously you need to restart the program as long as you have not altered the tower sensor position nor did you change the art work on the canvas- you can do the cutting, unfortunately it will start from beginning.
Alternatively if you know what tracks are already cut you could delete the tracks before gcode.
I have done this before. The track list may not be cut in the neumarical order so can be tricky to know which tracks are cut.

May be in future we can change the cut list.


We are still working on it, we should probably be ready in spring.