Slingshot not seeing Goliath

Good luck! Sometimes things can be a pain.


Trying to connect to Goliath from a Mac running windows in Parallel’s. Slingshot cannot find Goliath. The Mac is connected to the Goliath wifi but finding no connections in slingshot. What steps can I take to fix this?

Hello, as described in Virtual Box guide you will necessarily need to have a wi-fi dongle to
allow the virtual machine to connect to the Goliath network.

Ok thank you. If I was running Windows in Boot Camp would this resolve the issue or would I still need the dongle? Thanks.

Hello! We confirm you using Boot Camp can resolve the issue :slight_smile:

Awesome. I have now set it up using boot camp and have no issue so far! Thank you for the assistance.

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Perfect! Do not hesitate to contact us if you need further help :slight_smile:

Were you ever able to get slingshot to work with parallel on MacOS? I am running into the same issue.

Hi doriantriga97,
when you run Slingshot on a virtual machine, you have to buy a USB dongle and set it as a dedicated network board for the virtual machine.
In the post linked below you can find more info about it.

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