Support not responding to e-mails

Hy to all,
I am new to the forum, I still did not receive my goliath, and paid it 23.3. So, yesterday I wrote an email,
but nobody responds, any suggestions?

They may be a bit back logged but they always come through. Sorry you have to wait, thats never fun. :frowning:

Welcome to the forums and the goliath life! :slight_smile:

Springa some time work on different jones like US power rating is different so when they batch process european may be in the next batch.
When is your expected delivery?
If you paid in march this year it could be some time we had to wait for years( startup backers)
It is worth the wait.
There is some learning process you can go through the forum to get some idea.
Good luck.

I paid the total amount on 24. March, and it’s written somewhere that they will send the unit in 15 working days. Time passes, I write a mail to ask what is happening, and no answer for three days… There are plenty of question marks around my head :confused: :confused:

And of course, I cant wait to get goliath, because I am curious, but also because I need it for my job. I need probably one week to learn and then to do the job. I need to tell my customer how long he needs to wait but I can’t get the answer from springa :face_holding_back_tears:

I think they take their holiday quite seriously and not respond during holidays :smiley:

In this case, I apologize deeply. In the meantime, I have learned that they have big problems with the distribution of goliath. Kickstarter campaign backers did not receive their units yet, and on the official webshop, they promise to send the item within fifteen working days from receiving the balance…wtf???

Hi Kalafat, sorry for the delay in getting back to you, we confirm that we were closed for the Easter holidays. We have responded to your email and remain at your disposal.