SVG shown in canvas as not in canvas

Hi All,

when i am importing an svg in an canvas it will be marked red an slingshot says that it would not be in the canvas.
(only sometimes. not everyone svg / can´t find a pattern)

Can someone give me a hint, how to solve is.

thanks in advance


Hi Chab
If there are multiple objects on the svg file, try and import the one in red in a new project if it is still red which mean some part of the object is not correct, recheck on inksxape and correct the error.
In inkscape sellect the object and sellect nodes and edit nodes.
Happy to help you if you send me the file.

thank you for the quick and helpful answer.
The missing hint was to look at the nodes.
There was over 12000 after importing the dxf into vetoreditor.
I have opitmized them to 350 nodes.

As result slingshot imported much more faster and without any failures.

Thank You