Tower Firmware Release Notes - 1.0.14

Hello everyone, in this topic you will find all the info about the Tower firmware releases.
This post will be updated every time a new version gets released.

We highly recommend that you keep your Towers up to date!
Please follow this guide to update the firmware

Tower’s Firmware Release Notes

1.0.14 – released 2022-05-23


  • Tower Sensors now send to Goliath their firmware version via radio (this feature work only with version 1.2.2 of Goliath’s firmware)
  • Added a filter to the battery’s percentage to reduce value spikes, and send correct data to Goliath

Bug Fixes

  • Improved distance measurement during the panel detection. Now the Tower waits 100ms after the button has been pressed to send the measurement to Goliath. In this way, the measure is more stable and accurate due to fewer vibrations.
  • Corrected info regarding the charging status of the Tower’s battery after the USB gets unplugged. Now its charging status is correct.

1.0.13 – released 2022-03-16


  • An error interrupt is added to avoid Tower freeze while it is in charge mode.

to make a suggestion: firmware updates are usually announced during the start of the software, in this case slingshot.
Is it possible to announce an update at that time, and also keep taps on the last installed firmware version ?
This is nothing more then common procedure.

Can we get specific instructions for updating the firmware for the towers? The link below covers firmware update for Goliath but it is not completely clear to me how to update the towers. I would like to be sure before updating my towers to version 1.0.13.

How to update the Goliath Firmware — Goliath CNC

Hi @vorrtec vorrtec, the link in the first post has been updated, you can also find it here:
guide to update the firmware

Hi pelgrim,
in the current version (1.8.3) Slingshot doesn’t keep track of the firmware of the Tower sensor, since they don’t communicate this info with Goliath.
We will add this feature in the future versions of Tower firmware, Goliath firmware, and software., then Slingshot will be able to keep track of Tower firmware.
By the way, Slingshot, already with the previous version, should warn you when a new version of the Goliath firmware is available.

Did the pop-up appear to you?

thanks anyway.

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well, I wish I could test and use Goliath, but since the development of slingshot is managed the wrong way, it will take still a very long time until it’s ready to run on linux.
Perhaps the guarantee date will be expired before I can use it.

Uploaded firmware on both sensors pretty straight forward.
It is same hex code for both sensors. :clap:

Hello everyone,
has been released the nee version of Tower Firmware

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